General information
Attention please:
The traditional annual conference on polynomial computer algebra in St. Petersburg PCA2020
conference could not be held on previously announced dates in April due to the coronavirus epidemic.
The conference was postponed and will now take place on October 12-17, 2020. Some restrictions imposed
in connection with the coronavirus pandemic in Russia and in St. Petersburg have been lifted very
recently. So, the current situation in Saint Petersburg allows us to organize a conference in a so-called
combined format. Limited number of participants who can be present at this time in Saint Petersburg, will be able to participate in the usual format in person. Those participants who cannot visit Saint Petersburg have the opportunity to participate in the conference in a remote format. Zoom sessions will be organized and
all registered participants will receive information about the zoom channel of the PCA2020 conference.
We will also provide more information about the new PCA conference rules on the conference
website. We will also inform all potential participants about the current state of restrictions related to the COVID19 epidemic at the conference venue.
The annual conference Polynomial Computer Algebra is devoted to polynomial algorithms in Computer Algebra. This field has a lot of applications both in theoretical and applied mathematics as well as in Computer Science. The conference PCA'2020 is the 13-th in the series . The first one PCA'2008 commemorated Eugene Pankratiev who was a brilliant specialist in the field of Computer Algebra and Differential Algebra.
The conference topics will include but not restricted to:
- Gröbner bases
- Combinatorics of monomial orderings
- Differential Gröbner bases
- D-modules
- Polynomial differential operators
- Involutive algorithms
- Computational algebraic geometry
- Computational group theory
- Computational topology
- Parallelization of algorithms
- Algorithms of tropical mathematics
- Quantum computing
- Cryptography
- Tropical manifolds
- Matrix algorithms
- Complexity of algorithms
We plan six working days, each day containing two plenary talks and 5-7 contributed talks.